Ensuring Change Sustainability with the ADKAR Model in OKR Implementation

How ADKAR Model can help with effective implementation and ensure sustainability over time

 min. read
February 13, 2024
Ensuring Change Sustainability with the ADKAR Model in OKR Implementation

Initiating change always involves momentum, but its true success lies in our ability to sustain that energy over time. As the saying goes, 'reaching the top is optional, but staying there requires constant commitment.' When we incorporate a systemic change with a background of cultural transformation, such as the OKR model, resistance and the desire to revert to previous management can become a prolonged challenge.

This is where the ADKAR Model, a model for managing changes, can help with effective implementation and ensure sustainability over time. This framework proposes an iterative and continuous process to consolidate new habits, thus enabling the leap expected behind the OKR model, which is to impact organizational culture.

Phases of the ADKAR Model and How It Could Support OKR Adoption:

Awareness Phase: For this phase, awareness sessions could be used by sharing the benefits and experiences of companies that have already adopted the solution.

Desire Phase: Here, we could work on enrolling leaders and early adopters, encouraging the rest of the organization through intrinsic incentives and sharing the benefits that can arise from OKR implementation, already considering their work culture.

Knowledge Phase: This is the phase where necessary training is provided to ensure that people have the necessary knowledge about the new processes, systems, or behaviors associated with the change. Introduction workshops to OKR sharing basic aspects of the model could fill the agenda of impacted employees.

Ability Phase: Here, the deployment of skills in teams could become a reality through sessions on writing OKRs for each team, aligning with the organization's OKRs, and weaving networks between teams.

Reinforcement Phase: This phase could be handled by OKR ambassadors, who will be responsible for supporting the sustainability of what has been implemented and iterating through the 5 phases again. Practice communities based on sociocracy are a good complement at this stage.

Additionally, ADKAR models are typically led or strongly supported by human resources teams, so this tool, alongside the alliance with HR, becomes a great asset on this transformation journey.

We invite you to implement small interventions using this model. Each step of the ADKAR will strengthen the adoption of the OKR model, enhancing extraordinary results. 

True greatness not only lies in reaching new heights but in staying there, and ADKAR is the compass that will guide this continuous journey to success."